So I've slacked big time on my blog posts, and I figure I might as well post a bunch of pictures of delicious food!
This is Leche de Tigre, aka Tiger's Milk, aka an orgasmically delicious type of ceviche with raw fish, acidic lime juices, and tons of onions. I put canchita in it, which is fried choclo corn that ends up tasting a lot like tasty, dry, salty popcorn but different. It added so much flavor to the juicy, tangy, amazing, oniony leche de tigre. It was the appetizer.
This is Juan Pedro's soup. Yum.
My amazing shrimp omlet on top of a pile of rice. This was incredibly good, and I poured some of my leche de tigre juice on it.
More food! This is Juan Pedro's fried bonito (fish) and his friend's tallerin saltado (tossed noodles) with fish.

Juan Pedro in particular has been teaching me bad words in Spanish to his great amusement, so I returned the favor... now everyone in the office is saying, "Shut the fuck up." Oh well...

After work, I accompanied Sally, Juan Pedro, and Milagros to a handicrafts store to buy gifts for the High School Musical actress who came to visit a youth conference on Wednesday. The girls bought me a chullo, the awesome ear-flappy hat of Peru!! I picked green and pick with big bobbles on the ends. JP said I look very gringa.

Then I went home and ate myself some lomito ahumado with papitas al hilo, ensalada, un poquito de mayonesa y un monton de ketchup. I also ordered tuna juice, which is not actually from a fish, it is from a cactus fruit called a tuna! Tuna the fish in Spanish is "atun".
Yummmmmmmmy foooooooooood! I'm hungry now, my dear.